Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wish I'd thought of this

This is pure genius.
Thanks, Annie :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

Aloha. Here, we have another computer art assignment. It's my first complete digital painting, and I love the way it turned out. A series of happy accidents turned this:

into this: (click to enlarge)

Have a wonderful weekend all!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Me, Myself and I

The fun thing about this blog is that I can waste away all this time like usual, and then post the results here and somehow convince myself I've been productive. Genius! Here, some portraits. The pop artist in me took over again. Send me some pictures of you and maybe I won't have to alter my own face anymore. Bah!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back to Basics

It's been far to long since I've painted in Photoshop, and I've missed it! So, instead of photo manipulation and filters, in this weeks class we were asked to create an abstract image using two colours and the brush tool. I got reacquainted with my old friend the smudge brush, and we got along quite nicely. I also cropped and recoloured the image below, an interesting triptych I'd say.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Some thoughts...

I think it's about time I lay down some of the thoughts I've had for senior exhibition. I'm meeting with my professor tomorrow, but it can't hurt to get the ball rolling. So, for some background information: The final culmination of an art major's four years at Redeemer is in most cases a senior show in Redeemer's gallery, to showcase a particular medium or theme that a student wanted to engage. I've already seen my friends and colleague's use this opportunity as a wonderful way to give a sense of conclusion and celebration of their time as an undergrad. While it's an optional choice, I decided way back in first year I'd like to hold my own showing.

I've toyed with a variety of ideas, and thrown just about all of them out the window. I've gone from wanting to do gesture drawings of everyone I know actually considering doing strictly oil still-lifes (I'm still not sure why.)

The closer I get to the "working world" that awaits me come the month of May, I become more and more convinced that my future lies in the world of graphic design. It's the only thing I'm consistently passionate about. When I first share this goal with friends or strangers, they smile, wish me luck, and warn me about the "dangers" of the advertising world that often goes hand in hand with the world of design. Such reactions are exhausting, and contrary to my own worldview.

People are dualistic by default, and would like to keep advertising and design away from what is actually deemed valid art. Obviously, I'd be the first to agree that the realm of design is distinct from other modes of artistic activity, but every kind of art serves it's own distinct function, and isn't lesser for it.

In keeping with this simplistic dualism, Christians in particular are wary of making bedfellows out of faith and advertising. This is the stereotype I'd like to explore, if not debunk. After entertaining a variety of ways and means to do so, I landed on a very simple solution that would not only give me a platform for asking these questions, but would be great FUN.

I want to design t-shirts. I want to suggest that Christians can, and perhaps should, be comfortable with connecting faith and fashion. I want my designs to subvert the already overactive t-shirt culture. This is in an industry that is booming with all sorts of individual creativity, aimed directly at overwhelmed 20-somethings, brimming with talent and wit. Look no further than to see what I mean.

Now that I've made it to this point, I've toyed with some names for my "line" of t-shirts. See, not only am I creating a show, but I'm attempting to also establish a brand. After passing on some overly cheeky options (like Christiana-TEES), my mother actually helped my map out the name that seems just right. After thinking about my own name, and the ideas I want to convey, she suggested "Jubilee". After that, she narrowed it down to "Jubal". I took to it immediately. Not only because "Jubal Tees" has that perfect ring, but because the Biblical origins of the name resonate with me. Jubal, mentioned in Genesis 4:20-21 is the first musician mentioned in the Bible. "Jubal, the father of all who played the harp and flute".

I could say more on this, but I have plenty of time for that later. For those of you who have stuck with me for the duration of this blather, soon I'll give you something to look at rather than read. Logos will be up tomorrow morning. Night!

UPDATE: Here they are. Let me know which ones you like ;)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Want to Wake Up in the City that Never Sleeps

So, come February reading break, I will be making my triumphant return to NYC with the art department. I seriously, seriously, cannot wait. We had our first meeting, and I'm already mapping out how to fill each day. I fell in love with the city after traveling there with my family last fall, and I'll take any excuse to go back. In eager anticipation, I took some photos of my sister Laura (image 1) and myself (image 2), and had a little fun. Like usual, click for the full size image.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Haute Couture

As the others in my Computer Art Class are well aware, we were given our first assignment in class. The instructions were open-ended, allowing for a variety of concepts to be explored. We needed to combine two pictures, incorporate text on a path, use the shape tool, and of course tinker around with filters. Since I am already quite familiar with most of the tools, I decided to create a little series. Lacking inspiration, I poked around and came across Christian Dior's latest collection, and these three post-cards are the result. I suppose, without meaning to, I established a mock ad-campaign for these dresses. High fashion on the streets of Paris? It's a perfect fit, really.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


testing testing